Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Benjamin at 16 weeks

We went on a mini-vacation this weekend, to the tiny and beautiful beach town of Binningup ( Larry preached at the Binningup Church of Christ (

Now, this was our first family vacation since Jonathan was three months old, so, in almost five years. We had a wonderful time of relaxation and I think Larry and I both feel refreshed. We didn't have a TV or a phone, just a few books and our four babies, the beach, and some very good, new friends.

While in Binningup without many of the distractions of our everyday lives, we were able to focus a little more on just being with our children. What a blessing they are! Here are some photos I took of Benjamin. I was struck by his lovely coloring and the smoothness of his skin and tried to capture it, although the lighting wasn't ideal in that room. Oh well, he's still adorable...