Monday, August 28, 2006

Benjamin's Birth Story

I just thought I would throw this in for those who may be interested:

I had been having contractions for a few days, which were causing me much confusion as to whether or not I was in labor, and more than a little frustration.

Well I woke up at about 4am on the 27th and had 3 contractions each about 5 minutes apart. By the 3rd one I was sure I was in labor, so I got up and started walking around. Things progressed quickly, becoming more painful and closer together and I woke Larry up at 4.30am. I called the birth centre and told them we were coming.

We called my sister Maureen's place at some point (times are escaping me here, especially since our power went out the day before and we hadn't reset the clocks yet) and she graciously decided she'd come over to watch the kids, since they were still asleep. (Keep in mind Maureen is also pregnant and she dragged her pregnant self over to my house at like 5am to watch my kids!! She's so awesome!) Our original plan had been to take them with us and have someone pick them up from the birth centre, since my labors (of late) go fast. I think it worked out better the way it happened.

As soon as Maureen got there, we were off. I was coping pretty well, lying in the backseat of the car. I asked (demanded maybe??) that Larry put the fan on high, as the noise was comforting to me. I chanted "I can do this! I can do this!" pretty much all the way there...and discovered (about 3 births too late) the wonderful concept of counterpressure for back labor. I had my fists wedged into my back and it was SO helpful!

I think we got there about 6am or so. They had a beanbag and pillows set out at the end of the double bed. I felt like a cat going into the room, looking for my spot to give birth. I leaned over the beanbag for probably 45 minutes and Larry applied the counterpressure (and lots of it, poor guy!!) -- he was fantastic at it. I always have back labor, and it's the worst part of the contraction for me. Counterpressure pretty much eliminated it.

ANYHOW my back got tired from being TOO bent over for too long, so I knelt over the end of the bed, which was a little higher, and asked for entenox (gas and air) to get me through the last bit. I began to feel lots of pressure and told Larry to get the midwife because something was going to pop. A couple of contractions later and my waters burst. Ben came out within a couple minutes after that.

Long story short, Benjamin Morris: 9lb 5oz, 20 inches long, not much hair, big head, chicken legs, dark blue eyes. Very quiet and placid so far. Cute.

Me: 3 hour labor, panic-free, felt great immediately afterwards, no stitches or other complications. Every one of my prayers was answered in this delivery (ok except for the pain-free part, hehehe) and I am pleased to say, I had the amazing and beautiful birth that I have asked the Lord for all throughout this pregnancy!

As a side note, I asked Larry on Friday to remind me NOT to go into labor on the 27th, as there was a "Fun Run" on in the morning that would necessitate closing the roads around the Family Birth Centre. WELL, not only did I end up in labor on the 27th, but during the actual time of the Fun Run! We were able to see masses of runners, walkers and stragglers going down the street in front of the Birth Centre. I kinda knew that was going to happen! ;)

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