Friday, January 07, 2011

Hello! I think an update is obviously way overdue. We've been busy, and life has a way of just keeping on going whether you want it to or not. :)

Sweet baby Evelyn turns one this month! :) That seems so wrong to me, but it is true. The calendar says so. She's a good girl, but she is also a stubborn girl. She doesn't take no for an answer! She has a little touch of temper, too, like a diluted version of her big sister Grace's legendary temper. Can you tell these things by looking at her? Probably not.

We had a very creative Christmas this year. I (Deb) made almost all of the gifts we gave to extended family -- the exceptions were the gifts for the menfolk, because I really couldn't think of anything to make for them. Last year I made them pies in jars, which was fun, but this year I just didn't have time to do that.

Yes, those were fun last year. This year, the boys got hardware store gift cards. I did, however, make pie. Sadly, I had too much pie over the holidays and I think I may be a little sick of pie! I feel horrible saying that. :P

I crocheted the majority of the children's gifts this year (in the extended family) but neglected to take photos before they all got handed out. I hope that they are being enjoyed! For my own kids, I made a variety of crocheted stuff including monkeys, cakes and pies (surprise!), and clothing items. I also did some sewing on the machine. The biggest piece we made this year, though, was a kitchen set for our little girls. The idea and inspiration for the larger piece came from this tutorial and the materials were recycled from things we no longer needed (or needed, but decided we could get by without, in the case of the pot that we used for the sink) plus a few key items from the local hardware store. The smaller piece we had already, but it really needed tightening up. A new coat of paint and a few new details really helped it along. This is what we ended up with:

I love it, and the girls love it too. I wish I was still young enough to see a kitchen and think of fun. :P The curtain is sitting a little weirdly in the photo from the girls playing with it; behind the curtain is a storage area where they can put their massive collection of food toys.

All in all, this year's handmade Christmas was a success and once my crochet burn-out passes, I hope that I'll feel re-energized and ready to start thinking about Christmas 2011. It would be good to get started in, say, March or April, so I'm not spending every last spare moment in December crocheting like a crazy person.

The garden is going pretty well. We had some issues with sun, because we do live in a country where the sun is insanely bright. I wasn't expecting to have issues with it until maybe midway through December, so we were surprised when we found we needed to put up shades much earlier than planned. Now we have shades in place, and although our system is not perfect, it works okay. I would LOVE to have irrigation in place, but we haven't done it yet and are still hand-watering. Currently growing in the garden we have: lebanese zucchini, corn, beans, celery, cucumbers, lettuces, arugula, rhubarb, mystery vining plants (perhaps cantaloupe) that came from the compost, oregano, tomatoes, basil, garlic chives, spring onions, carrots, beets, peppers, parsley, coriander, cantaloupe (that we planted) and butternut squash (volunteer, from compost). Not all of it is doing great but mostly it's going pretty well. Our poor worms copped the heat pretty badly so we're going to have to start over with that, but I've got a few ideas of how we can protect them and keep them happy through the summer. The chickens are still laying pretty steadily; we may be adding to their number shortly by taking in another family's chooks as they move away soon.

We're on school holidays now until February 1st. Jonathan actually could stand to finish up a few more tests in the next week, but other than that we're just hanging out together, messing up and cleaning up the house over and over again, cooking, eating, being hot, fighting and playing with one know the drill. Next year's schooling promises to be interesting. Jonathan and Mae are going full steam ahead with their textbook-based curriculum. We use that mainly to cover the bases educationally, and also with the government. Once textbooks are done, the rest of our school time is ours to do with as we wish. That doesn't mean we don't try hard with the textbooks though. Next year we are aiming to win awards from the head school with our work. :) With the three little kids (Grace, Ben, Seth), I'm planning on plodding through our tried-and-tested literature-based little kid curriculum. :) This involves a lot of reading, and a lot of drawing/painting/coloring/cutting/gluing, and a lot of playing. Hopefully little to no pulling out of hair. :)

Speaking of school, I covet your prayers for this coming year. Last year with me being pregnant, and then having a new little one, as well as physical problems AND postpartum depression, Larry graciously took over the homeschooling. This year things are evening out for me and I'm taking it up again, with more children than ever before (LOL). I have grand plans, but I already know I have a tendency to freak out and burn out. Please pray for me. We ARE open to putting the children in school if we have to, but we really really don't want to as we believe homeschooling is the best available option for our children and our family. :)

And finally, for those friends and family members to whom this may be of interest, Evelyn and I (Deb) will be in Cincinnati in April/May so if there's any possibility that I may be able to catch up with you, please get in contact with me. I'd love to see you.

I will leave you with a fairly recent set of photos of the children, along with all of our love and prayers for you.

--Love, Deb xox

P.S. I signed up with so if something I write here sounds like an advertisement, it probably is. :) I apologize in advance if it is annoying! :P


The Arts Collective said...

Thanks for the update! The pics are great and i love the black and white photos!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Keeping you in prayer for the homeschooling adventure ahead!