Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here goes nothin'...

Alright, this is a hodgepodge of photos because I don't know how to do this yet.

What we have here is an assortment of monkeys, plus a few photos of a habitat we've been fixing up for our new monkey arrival, expected any day now. Enjoy!


The Arts Collective said...

It's wonderful!! Your photos, however,did not come up on my computer. I'll try a different computer to see if it works. Well Done, Deb!! It will be fun reading your blog each you!

CandlebyNight said...

Your little boy is a cutie. He reminded me of your sister, Moey's avatar at cmomb.
Your children are beautiful.
I was wondering, About the cincinati dresses in another post. I am from Ohio originally. I don't know why I was wondering. It was cute to see Cincinati dresses on little Aussie girls.